Monday, August 25, 2014

Returning to Taiwan

As I sit here in the Hong Kong airport after a 15 1/2 hour flight and waiting for my final flight into Kaohsiung, I can't believe I survived a round trip to and from the states in less than a week. I can't believe that I have to teach in the morning!

My daughter's wedding was so amazingly touching and beautiful and I'm so lucky that I'm part of such an incredible family. As I left this time, it was so much harder to leave and I've been emotional and weepy all day. Last time I knew I would see my girls in a month; this time I'll be gone for 10 months. Right now the thought of that is overwhelming and I'm having a "what the hell am I doing here" moment. Everything in Maine is so familiar and comfortable, like that perfect pair of jeans. This adventure challenges everything and nothing is familiar. I know this feeling of being overwhelmed and sad will pass. I mean, I will always miss my daughters but the ache is easier to deal with when I'm not sleep deprived and am so busy with a new school, new language, new home, new friends and new country.

Don't you worry, my positive and peppy nature will return after a few nights of sleep and I settle back in. More posts of my adventures will soon follow. Just send a mental hug my way; I need it right now.


  1. Ditto! Love you, Nancy! You are doing a wonderful thing and it's something I'm sure you won't ever forget! Kelcey

  2. A BIG HUG to you Nancy. Having a child get married is a remarkable occasion for everyone in the family. Little wonder you're raw with emotion right now. be easy on youself...
