Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Damned Mosquitoes!

This was the view outside my classroom as I left work this evening. Lovely!

The weather has finally changed in Kaohsiung. It's in the low 80's by day and low 70's in the morning on my bike ride to school. It actually feels cool and I'm thrilled. When I bike to school in the morning, usually before the sun has fully risen, there are dozens of people taking a walk and they are wearing sweatshirts, sweaters and jackets. It makes me chuckle because I have not worn sleeves yet.

This cooler weather gave me a false sense of security. On Monday there was this great breeze so I opened my classroom windows and doors to let the air in. It was the first time since I got here that I didn't immediately turn on my air conditioner in my classroom when I walked it. Bad idea! BAD!

My windows don't have screens and apparently, in Taiwan, there are "winter" mosquitoes. I got completely attacked and at last count I have over 20 mosquitoes bites. Mosquito bites on me welt up so I look lie I have the pox. Damned little blood-sucking parasites! No open windows for me!

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