Saturday, June 28, 2014

I am NOT moving to Taiwan to find a man.

This may be hard to believe but I am not moving to Taiwan to find a man.  I know people mean well and think that my life must be "less than" because I am not married or in a relationship right now, but I am not moving half way around the world because I need a date.

Going to live and teach in Kaohsiung is the most selfish thing I've ever done in my life.  I'm not doing this to please anyone but myself.  My fabulous daughters live here.  I'm moving away from an incredible family and an incredible assortment of friends.  I'm not doing this because I'm lonely, or unhappy or feel "incomplete". I'm doing this for me.

First, I have always wanted to live in another country where I am in the minority.  What an adventure - to learn a new language, eat different foods, see different sights and truly learn a new culture.  I will embrace each and every new experience.  It's so easy to get comfortable in our lives and stay home.  I want to learn new things and change my life and way of thinking.

Second, I'm feeling a bit disillusioned with how teachers are thought of and treated in this country.  I am not public enemy #1 and I don't get paid too much for what I do.  Seriously, I'd love for anyone to spend a week in a classroom of 23 students, teaching every subject all day while meeting all of the needs and learning styles of each and every student.  This is without and aide in the classroom, without money for materials and with all of those outside expectations and pressures from organizations and politicians that think they know what and how to teach.  Don't get me started!

Finally, and most importantly, I am happy.  For some people it's hard to believe that a person can be single AND happy but I truly have an amazing life, amazing people to share it with and an amazing opportunity ahead.  That doesn't mean I don't get lonely every now and then but I'm not moving 13 time zones away because I'm lonely.  I am one of those people that embraces change and I love a challenge.  I'll be teaching a new grade, in a different country and on my own.  That's pretty freakin' awesome!

I am so blessed and lucky that I get to do this.  My heart and mind are open to all of the possibilities that will be part of living in Taiwan, maybe even meeting someone, but that is not why I'm doing this.     This is ALL for me and I couldn't be more thrilled!

1 comment:

  1. If Nancies were our only export, our country would be in great shape!
