Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My students

I get attached so quickly as a teacher. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one but I already feel protective and care for so many of them. Don't get me wrong, there are a few of my 7th graders that I want to use duct tape on (kidding...I'm kidding!) but overall they are just precious. Well, as precious as middle schoolers get.  One of my sixth graders gave me this in celebration of her birthday.
How cute is that?

Overall they are all over the work they have to do and get completely stressed when their grade is less than perfect. They are so earnest and don't have some of those typical American attitudes and behaviors. If I say they need to see me at lunch, they show up and can't even make eye contact. I had a kid bow to me in apology today. Good thing too! I was ready to call his mom. That scared the bejesus out of him. Not sure how I feel about that but it does give me a little leverage.

When I say, for example, "You should look this up sometime because it's really cool," most of the kids will not only look it up, they will take notes. No joke. The girls, in my classes at least, are unbelievably motivated and send me emails and check in on a regular basis. I have a feeling the boys are a bit more protected and need a little kick in the behind now and then. I spent an hour and a half after school with one of my boy students today and, although he tried to procrastinate, once we got going he got all caught up and we had fun in the process. I'm sure we will have a regular after school time this year but I'll gladly do that if I don't get attitude and get some respect in the process.

Students here, especially if they just came from a local Taiwanese school, may not be able to think out of the box sometimes, but, man, it sure is a pleasure working with kids who truly care and want to do well. I'll take it.

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