Friday, January 30, 2015

What a week!

Life as a teacher in Taiwan is not much different than life as a teacher anywhere. We have lots of students to worry about, plan for, differentiate for and engage. We have curriculum to learn, lessons to plan, materials to buy and set up, experiments to design, parents to contact, emails to write, homework websites to update...and the list goes on. This week has been one of those weeks where there has been way too much to do and not enough time to do it in. I AM FRIED! I'm so glad it FRIDAY!

Although the week was crazy busy, I did get to squeeze some fun in (of course). On Tuesday, Pearl took me, Wendy and Lee to her optometrist so I could get a new prescription for my glasses. I just can't read that small print anymore. Damned aging eyes! Thank goodness Pearl took us because there are just so many things I couldn't describe without her there to translate. She is a great friend!

After the appointment, she took us to her favorite dim sum restaurant in Kaohsiung called Flavors. Flavors is a Cantonese Dim Sum TeaHouse. Flavors Dim Sum Pearl wins again and is batting 1000 with restaurants.
 We had different types of dumplings, shrimp wrapped in crispy taro flour, chinese vegetables, smoked pork and amazing Taiwanese teas.

Above is a traditional steamed bun filled with pork.

 The servers come around with their little cards filled with yumminess and they heat items right there with their little steamer baskets. Brilliant!

I love the food in the country!

On Thursday, my friend Flora took me to this little hole in the wall place near where she lives in Zuoying District. I would have never gone to this place because you have to speak and read Chinese to even order. We had dumplings, a type of porridge (bland and made of corn), green beans and other goodies. The whole meal for 2 people cost $300 NTD which is about $10 US. 

Tonight I am heading out with a group from the school to celebrate a colleague's birthday. Tomorrow I head to a new art museum that just opened in Tainan, then I'm taking the train up to Taipei to meet a college friend's wife. I'm taking the high speed train there and I'm spending the night there. I know I will have lots to share from both adventures.

Happy Friday everyone and I'll update you on Sunday!

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