Yesterday was the best day because all I did was get things done at home. I woke up early, and it was so nice not to set an alarm, and cleaned my apartment from top to bottom. I'm a bit of a neatnick but having marble floors everywhere makes it a challenge to keep clean. Also, it is SO dusty here. Maybe it's because the air conditioner is on when I'm home or because there is so much construction in the neighborhood. Whatever it is, I can't keep up with it. The major project I set for myself was to wash all of my windows. They were disgusting and now that typhoon season is pretty much over, I thought it would be so nice to be able to let the sunshine in. I live on the 11th floor so I had to get creative. Between a mop and bowls of water, I cleaned them all and it made such a difference. It was so nice to focus on this part of my life instead of work, work, and more work.
In the afternoon I biked to the outdoor market and stocked up on fruits, vegetables and other delicious items. I bought these fried dumplings (8 for $1) and half of a roasted duck (all cut up and crispy hot). I've been trying more of the prepared foods lately to see how they all are. Delicious! The duck was less than $3. Crazy!
Later in the evening I biked to my 6th, or maybe my 7th, dentist appointment. I've lost track. As you know, I had to get a root canal on my 5th day in Taiwan and I've been dealing with it for the past 2 1/2 months. It's not because their dental care is any less advanced than the states, it's because they take their time to make sure it is done perfectly before they put the crown on. Usually it would take between 4-5 visits but I've been told by my dentist, who I've mentioned is like 12 years old, that I have a very complicated molar. Well, actually, he says "compricated morar", which I love. Apparently my roots have roots have roots. As of last night, he believes he got it all and next time (yes, another time!) he fits the crown. Sheesh!
As I lay there, usually for 90 minutes, these cutesy things watch over me.
Things like this are everywhere!
There's my "compricated morar".
What's amazing is that my appointment was at 9:00 p.m. on a National holiday. They never stop working!
Today I'm at school proctoring the SAT's, oh so much fun......NOT! There are 10 different sessions (8 of them are 25 minutes each) and you have to walk around, be aware of the time and basically be on alert. I can't imagine being an English Language Learner and having to take the SAT's. The students here taking the test (about 200 of them) come from schools around Taiwan and there many of them from mainland China. Not sure why they came here to take the test but here I am, with 23 students, until around 2:00. Yawn! These students want to go to the United States for college so they have to take this crazy test. I'm glad I just get to watch.
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